Saturday, July 28, 2012

Discrimination and stereotyping: fight BS with BS

          This video and article involves a certain  Michelle Bachmann and 4 other Republican representative requested intelligence officials to conduct investigations in suspicions that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's aide Huma Abedin works for the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic terrorists. The accusations were based on her deceased father's former relations with an acquaintance who used to head a Muslim Group, suspected of having connection with the Muslim Brotherhood . Long story short it was a baseless accusation, as Stewart points out aggressively, because Abedin not only works a "high-profile stringent background check job with the former first lady" but also "marries a pro-Israel Jewish guy.",0,4163393.story

In his usual comedic style of response, Jon Stewart then makes reference to the recent scandal about HSBC's US division having funded Al Qaeda and other undesired clients, including Michelle Bachmann own presidential campaign when she was running. Jokes aside, since most of the audience of The Daily Show are young people like me,  it widens our eyes and minds in regards to media literacy by warning us to take in information from the news constructively instead of blindly following discriminatory accusations and the hype it seeks to gather from the audience. 

Reason why The Daily Show is still on Comedy Central

In this article, one of the authors from Business Insider clears up some of the misunderstandings The Daily Show  made in its segment about LIBORS.

This shows that "fake news" programs like The Daily Show is informative and entertaining but yet still cannot be 100% true in the usage of material because it is first and foremost a late night show; whose purpose is to get the laughs out of the news. Hence young people should not take the content aired on the show too seriously - as it was intended to be - but instead learn from it to look at the news in all denominations more constructively without bias.

Daily Show Cited on serious political talk show

After watching this, I agree with the author of the article then raises some concerns about modern television journalism. I mean its not everyday that a serious political talk show like PBS's Inside Washington to cite a "fake news" late night show like The Daily Show and be conclusive about an issue because of it.

 It really goes both ways, on one hand it shows that fake news has become so reliable that not only is it the number news source for young people or whomever, but this source is slowly becoming more legitimate to even regular news TV programs. On the other hand it is an evidence to the deterioration at an all new low for TV journalism to cite its sources from something that airs on Comedy Central.

NUTELLA 2012!! (Advisory Nutella fans BEWARE!!)

President Barack Obama recent July 13 Roanoke campaign speech has become the most recent cannon fodder for comedians not because of what he said - as quoted below - but more importantly how it has sparked a chain of campaign ads by both sides, backed up by half truths, complete lies and word "sniping."
The Daily Show's Lewis Black in the video, aggressively responds and exposes some of these misleading campaign ads with a reference to the recent scandal involving a Nutella advertisement.

Daily Shows new segment :“What Story Does a Guy Have to Blow to Get in Trouble at ABC?”

In view of the frenzied media coverage of the recent Colorado Shooting at the Premiere of the Dark Knight Rises movie," which grieved the nation. ABC's Brian Ross reports a "significant" piece of information that links the alleged killer, James Holmes to having relations with the Tea Party, a conservative political movement. In response, Daily Show's Jon Stewart mocks and demands punishment for the anchor for his bad journalism and insensitivity towards the recent event of the killings. ABC apologized later.

To have the power to make a "real" news program from ABC, apologize like that really shows how much relevance and respect late night "fake news" has gained over the decade. Shows like this, i feel are beginning to establish itself a "fifth estate" to be the watch dog for regular news. What are your thoughts on the matter?