Saturday, July 28, 2012

Daily Shows new segment :“What Story Does a Guy Have to Blow to Get in Trouble at ABC?”

In view of the frenzied media coverage of the recent Colorado Shooting at the Premiere of the Dark Knight Rises movie," which grieved the nation. ABC's Brian Ross reports a "significant" piece of information that links the alleged killer, James Holmes to having relations with the Tea Party, a conservative political movement. In response, Daily Show's Jon Stewart mocks and demands punishment for the anchor for his bad journalism and insensitivity towards the recent event of the killings. ABC apologized later.

To have the power to make a "real" news program from ABC, apologize like that really shows how much relevance and respect late night "fake news" has gained over the decade. Shows like this, i feel are beginning to establish itself a "fifth estate" to be the watch dog for regular news. What are your thoughts on the matter?

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